Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hiking Mt. St. Helens

 Below: Hiking in this outfit?  Well, why not? I lost my gear bag.  I should have been dressed to hike already before I got there.  Long story.  Just one of those things.  More below.  Unfortunately, because of this outfit, I didn't get very far up. I lingered at the 4000' elevation and did some sketching.  I had a wonderful time while waiting for my boy friend to come back down. But I ended up descending after two hours of drawing.  Got a bit too cold at this elevation in this outfit.

Being up here made me feel like singing:

The hills are alive...with the sound of music
With songs they have played, for a thousand years
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
My heart wants to sing every song it hears

My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
that rise from the lake to the trees
My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies
from a church on a breeze
To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over
stones on its way
To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray

I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
I know I will hear what I've heard before
My heart will be blessed with the sound of music
And I'll sing once more


 Hiking Mt. St. Helens 

The view from the summit of Mt. St. Helens is spedtacular, with Spirit Lake and some of the volcanoes visible (i.e.: Mount Adams, Mt. Rainier, and Mount Margaret).  I've  climbed St. Helens several times, and standing up there is line being on top of the world; it always takes my breath away in awe. Can't help feeling quite spiritual about it. The first time I (with an ex-bf) tried to hike it years ago during the summer, we were inexperienced and didn't know we had to have a hiking permit to hike Helens, and they were already sold out in advance. We hiked anyway, and looking back, that was not a smart thing to do. What if we got lost, and there was no record of us being there at all (except for our car in the lot). We learned fast. My most unforgettable experience was losing my gear bag with the hiking essentials: climbing helmet, goggles, sunscreen, knife, first aid kit,, granola bars, water, flashlight, and trail maps. I felt so vulnerable throughout the trek. Helens is a lot rougher and difficult to climb than Rainier, Adams, Baker, etc. But because of its recent volcanic history, I felt more affinity with the mountain that the other ones.

(Worked on this for a while, then the infuriating thing happened.  I got timed out and lost everything after the above paragraph.  How frustrating.  Well, I'm going to bed and take a deep breath.)

Sunday, June 27, 2010



It was a belated birthday party for this Gemini twin (June 6) given by the Adventurous Women's Group of San Diego, which was held at the Paradise Resort Barefoot Bar & Grill at 7:00 PM. Two other Gemini women were also feted during the event. It was great fun, and I expected nothing short of it. The group is comprised of extraordinary women from all walks of life. All professionals in different fields, there was a professor, a flight instructor for the U.S. Military, a nurse, an attorney, a photographer, etc. Oh, and there's this one poor little Asian girl who is a starving writer/artist. Hahaha. It was non-stop chatter about all topics; nothing was sacred.

I was supposed to deliver my joke for the night, but the noise decibel from the performing band, the restaurant diners, and us, was just a little too high and not conducive to joke delivery. They might not get the punch line, although I doubt that because these are all highly intelligent women. I will just post the joke here and post the link to our group's website.

Happy Birthday to the other June birthday celebrants: Darnisha and Nathalia



The most active members of the Anti-Social Writers Meetup Group joined Traci and her beloved father--Mad Max for an informal dinner party at her house, "mostly to meet my dad," she said, "and say a bunch of great stuff about me, build me up with things like, "And in her spare time she teaches blind kids how to cook... and/or I've never seen anyone catch as many fish as that girl, she should have her own show on A&E" See, I kinda told my dad a few fibs about my great life in Southern California and I need a group of talented people to uphold my tales. I will pass out index cards at the next meeting w
ith what I want everyone to say. This should make it easy. But you have to make it look smooth, you know.. stick it into the conversation at dinner. "So Mr. xxxxx, I was also wondering how your daughter could know so much about blanket looming and still have time to write an award winning article on the anthropological debate of cranium disfigurements in early Mesopotamian sub cultures." You know, junk like that... Bring a dish that says, "Wow, Traci is more awesome than I could ever be" Be there at 7pm with a look like you're super grateful to come to my place and hug me really hard when we meet and act like we've totally been friends for a long time and say,"Oh my god you've already lost so much weight" because my dad is a fitness guru and told me last time I was too squashy. Thanks! - - -Traci
How could anyone resist an invitation as witty as this? I couldn't. I came. And had the best time mingling with the nuttiest and funnest writers I've even been privileged to be a part of in my life.

Traci is an incredible talent. She is riot, and you can tell that from just reading the above. The party was really a combination of welcoming her dad to San Diego (forgot where he and wife actually live) and a celebration of her book publication--her memoir, which is forthcoming from Simon and Schuster in 2011, about growing up with OCD. She calls it mostly contemporary Fiction, mostly. But so far, based on what I've heard from her readings, it's mostly non-fiction. At any rate, it promises to be a great and entertaining read. I look forward to owning a copy of thee book.

Jaz brought a huge plate of sumptuous, homemade sushi garnished with edible rose petals. It was so yummy. I gobbled 4 pieces in no time. I brought lumpia (Philippine egg rolls), and Jaz had (on his plate above) 4 pieces. This is what he wrote on the site: "Maria, I had the fine-fingered treasure of 4 pieces of lumpia rolled with Filipina love...."

Here are some of the pictures from the party. Traci is extremely camera shy, so you won't see her much in the photo exhibit.


db Wow. Such warm, sincere, hilarious, creative, kind, generous people. How the fuck can there be so many wars on this planet with so many beautiful people like this? I don't get it.

Ed Coonce Thank You Traci, the evening was delightful. Met so many friends and the evening left me happy beyond belief.

Jaz Thundering dad and Sandy are great, now we've gotten to know them maybe they'll lead the... you got speakers fit for YMCA installed, Max?...

Maria Jaz, I wasn't going to eat anything at the party because I started another diet yesterday, but your homemade sushi was too tantalizing and yummy to ignore. I gobbled four pieces (and wanted more) in no time....

Jaz Maria, I had the fine-fingered treasure of 4 pieces of lumpia rolled with Filipina love....

Ann Bancroft A magical evening, Traci. Thank you and your family for making it happen. I'm still high from all those warm hearts and creative minds...

db "I really, really owe it all to you." Yes, you do. And you will soon receive a large Invoice from the Rent-A-Friend-to-Impress-Your-Dad Agency very soon.

JenniferLH "Terrific group of people, great talent, and lots of fun! I couldn't have had a better time! The newly dubbed Alice in Wonderland

Zara Everyone in social setting. Many new faces. Love the blue bookcase.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cancer Facts and Prevention Update from Johns Hopkins

(Note: Maria Panlilio has written and published articles about breast cancer. The following article is taken from a report from Johns Hopskins. It is now widely circulated through various web networks as a critical health information and should be read thoroughly by everyone, especially those who are genetically at risk of getting cancer.)

Remember these pointers after reading the following article:
  • WE ALL have cancer cells in our body; they just don't show up in tests until they've multiplied to a few billion, but we can prevent this (read on).
  • Radiation and chemotherapy are not the only way to eliminate cancer (read on)
  • Avoid meat, sugar substitutes (Aspartame, etc.), salt (use sea salt), distilled water.
  • Do not use plastic containers and plastic wraps in microwave oven; do not put water bottles in freezer.
  • Avoid coffee (Oh, no!), tea and chocolates (drink green tea instead)
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and exercise more.

* * * * *


Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

When a person has cancer it indicates the person has nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.

Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat, like chicken. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine Green tea is a better alternative e and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Florescence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodys own killer cells to destroy cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

Monday, March 29, 2010




The little Chinese girl was my "adopted" sister through the "BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS PROGRAM". I was living in Cincinnati then. As a Big Sister, I entertained her with picnics at the park, exploring museums and the zoo, took her to some of my family gatherings, shopping, and just plain chats.  I taught her how to draw and we read a lot together.

Above is a team picture of the indoor champion 5.0 Career Women Tennis Team (80's - 90's)
while I was still living in Cincinnati,, Ohio. For their privacy, I will not reveal their names here. I had so much fun playing tennis with these superb players.

ABOVE is a picture of the former Senator Niki Coseteng of the Philippines. I haven't seen her since her visit in San Diego. This picture was taken in Colorado sometime in 2006, during the promotion of the book "Sinaunang Habi". We stayed in contact for a while, then it ended because she and I began to travel the world (separately).


SKYDIVE! Look, Ma, I'm Flying

The author skydives in memory of her mother.

By Maria Concepcion Panlilio

Watching my mother die slowly is emotionally overpowering. I have to get out of the San Diego Hospice and release my misery elsewhere. I rush to my car, quickly jumping inside and hoisting myself in the driver’s seat. I drive away, letting destiny take me anywhere.

Unaware of my speed, I suddenly hear a siren, and behind me is the sheriff’s car with his red blue and yellow lights flashing. My heart starts pounding. Oh, no, not again, I scream internally.

I pull over onto the hard shoulder and shut the engine off. My hand shaking, I retrieve my car insurance and registration papers from the glove compartment and I wait. Cars zoom past my Celica GTS as it shakes in their wake. I take a deep breath and drop my head down, resting my forehead on the white knuckles that clutch the steering wheel.

What’s taking him so long? I glance up. My eyes are assailed by the glare of lights several yards in front of me. I see the cop approaching the driver of another car. "Oh, God, thank you," I murmur.

* * *

I feel the gravel sand crunch beneath my tires as I find myself pulling into the parking lot of the Otay Mesa Drop Zone. Whenever I come near this place, I am pulled in like a magnet. I stop longingly to watch the familiar activity around: the rigging of the canopies, the exuberant camaraderie, and the wonderful sight of parachutists dangling from their colorful canopies, some landing all over the place. I cannot help but feel nostalgic about this extreme and exciting sport that first hooked me years ago.

I leave my car at the parking lot and saunter toward the gathering of people who came to skydive, or simply to watch their family members or friends jump. People place their lives in the reliability of the parachute strapped on their back, knowing that if it fails to open, they’re history. For most people this sounds insane. Yet, a growing number of men and women of all ages continue to clamor for the adrenaline rush and thrill of skydiving. And for an elite group, it is a lifestyle. Like it was once for me.

I claim my place on the grass lawn and visualize bailing out of a perfectly operational aircraft from 13,500 feet. The dreadful thought of my mother nearing death makes me want to sail into the clouds and then fall freely at the speed of terminal velocity.

It is hard not to want to jump again, but it is harder not to recall my recent skydiving mishap that I thought was going to prematurely terminate my license to live. I remember that very last moment just before my consciousness fluttered into oblivion. It was my mother’s voice screaming to me: You see? I told you you’re going to kill yourself one of these days.

Let me tell you about my mother's voice. It is soft, gentle, and always filled with affection. When she is displeased, it retains these qualities, but the strength in the timbre dominates, and you can almost feel it passing through stone walls.

In my youth, I was always fascinated by anything that soared gracefully in the sky: birds, planes, kites and imaginary angels. To simulate flying, I’d flap my arms and jump from my bedroom window, from atop the fence or from a tree in our backyard. None of these take-off points were high enough to cause bodily injury, but they were high enough to cause an improper landing that would later reveal itself on my knees as ugly bruises. Unfortunately, the sting from these bruises was not as intense as the pain my mother would inflict on my behind with a spanking board. Ah, yes, she didn’t do it often, but I had my share of spanking when I was young. And rightly so.

Why can’t you be more normal like your sisters? Mom would always admonish me. But I was a stubborn young girl. I kept doing things that traumatized my mother.

Many years later, my wish to fly like a bird would come true. And the memory of my first jump would never be obliterated from my mind.

It had been years ago, when Doug--an old boyfriend—invited me to an annual Skydiving Boogie--a huge event that usually attracts hundreds of amateur and professional skydivers from all over the country, Europe and Canada. When I asked Doug to describe the sensation of free-falling, he replied, "Why don’t you jump and find out for yourself?" I smiled and without hesitation I said, "Okay."

Because I had not taken any skydiving lesson, I could only jump tandem--the state-of-the art piggyback method where I would be harnessed to the belly of a Tandem Master.

The Boogie was teeming with Tandem Masters looking for gutsy would-be-first-timers. Doug referred Bill to me; supposedly one of the most reputable Tandem Masters around. I immediately felt a special bond with Bill; after all, he would be holding my life in his grasp for a while.

In addition to Bill’s instructions, I watched an introductory film for a quick lesson on the theory of skydiving, personal equipment, aircraft procedures, body positions, parachute opening, canopy steering, landing and emergency procedures.

Doug also hired Wayne, an aerial photographer, to videotape my entire experience, hopefully capturing the intrinsic excitement of my performance without any humiliating incident.

Dressed in a bulky jumpsuit, I climbed into the aircraft behind Bill and thirteen other skydivers. Cramped inside the Beechcraft King Air, I closed my eyes and saw visions of my body dangling from a tree like a rag doll. I began to doubt my sanity. This is not like jumping from my bedroom window. At 13,500 feet, the roar of the plane’s propeller rang in my ears. "It’s time," Bill said. He checked all the safety locks that attached us together and announced they were secure. We were ready to go. I began to feel the excitement of anticipating my first leap.

A door in the side of the plane swung open and a cold wind ripped through the cabin. My gut wrenched and my whole body rocked. The guy closest to the door knelt at the doorway then tumbled out. The big guy in front of us in a Star Trek outfit jammed up the small opening, his hands grabbing the sides. He was playfully screaming, refusing to jump. His friend pushed him with a finger and he was beamed out of the prop blast.

It was our turn. Now or never! With Bill strapped to my back and breathing hard in my ear, we waddled toward the gaping hole. I gripped the sides of the door and I wondered if they could ever pry my fingers off them. My toes hanging over the edge, I stared at the empty space leading to the twilight zone. The wind was rushing up at me, pushing my cheeks back. The primeval fear began to consume me and I thought my brain would short-circuit and explode. "Oh God!" I screamed.

"There’s no turning back now." Bill yelled. "Swing your leg out and jump!"

In a lightning speed mode, I mentally reviewed the fine points of doing a proper and flawless jump: a full-spread eagle form, arms and legs straight and spread widely, head back, with a backward arch at the waist, pushing outward, maintaining throughout, a stable, face-to-earth free-fall body position.

I made a sign of the cross, thrust my body forward and jumped our one-way ticket to earth. We stumbled straight into nothingness, and all the instructions I had reviewed in my head were scattered in the wind.

Almost instantly, an incredible euphoric sensation replaced my anxiety. With my arms spread wide like wings of an eagle, free-falling at a rate of 32 feet per second, I looked down at the panorama of colors below. I did not think of the hard ground that waited straight down for me. Instead, I soared with a sense of tranquility and quiet bliss, enjoying the sensation of experiencing the closest thing humanly possible to flying like a bird. The wind was roaring past my ears at about 120 miles per hour but all I could think of was that the mystery of the sky had been unveiled.

My childhood dream of flying had become a reality!

I was hamming at the camera; smiling, waving and giving Wayne the skydivers’ thumbs-up language. I yelled: "Look, Ma! I’m flying!"

After about forty-five seconds of free-fall, we pulled the ripcord, instantly jerking us upward. I craned my neck to look up, and there it was — our luminescent blue, white and yellow canopy blossoming heavenward, rippling gently in the breeze — like the wings of an angel protecting me. I noticed the total quiet and peace around me. I didn’t know whether to scream or say a prayer. I chose to scream — it was a manifestation of joy for being a part of an adventure that was bringing me so much thrill and satisfaction.

I thought I heard my mother’s voice yelling: You’re still not normal after all these years! If you do that again, I swear. . . !

That was the beginning of my fanatical obsession with skydiving. On my 55th jump, however, I thought I heard my Mom scold me for the last time. Fortunately for me, none of the severe cuts and bruises and torn ligaments left any physical imprint on my body to remind me of that mishap. But throughout the recovery process, my mother’s voice kept playing in my head like a broken record: Do you have a death wish? Didn’t I tell you? Now, are you going to listen to me?

* * *

"You think you’re going to join us this time?" A very tall skydiver yells, pulling me out of my reveries and sending me back to earth. I’ve seen him here before. No woman could forget that California sun-kissed sculpted face, and that unruly, blonde hair. He must be one of the regulars.

I smile. "No, thank you. I’ll just watch."

All right," he says with a grin. "You don’t know what you’re missing!"

I remain sitting comfortably on the grass for a few minutes, watching jumpers land on their feet; one being dragged by his canopy instead of the other way around.

I turn my head to the right toward the manifest table. I check my wallet to review my cash. I hope they have jumpsuits available for my size. I get up and walk to sign up.

Handsome sees me at the manifest table. He flashes a toothy grin. Of course, he's got those perfect, pearly teeth.

"So you decided to join us after all," he says.

"Yes, I did."

"We have a tandem master on board. He’s quite good. You’ll like him."

"No, thanks. I jump solo.”

I catch the look of surprise. "Well . . . How about that?" he says. "How long have you been jumping?"

"A few years,"


"But I haven’t jumped in a long while."

"What made you change your mind now?"

I ponder his question for a moment. Maybe he thinks it's because of him. How can I tell him that Í just want to hear my mother’s voice again, even if only in my head?

"For my mother," I say.

~~* * *~~~

Author's note:
Having tasted human flight, I often find myself walking with my eyes to the sky where I have soared like a bird many times before.
My mother is gone now. When missing her becomes unbearable, I drive to the nearest drop zone, hoping to hear her say in feigned anger: You’re still not normal after all these years! If you do that again, I swear . . . It's the closest thing to feeling next to her again.
(I dedicate this article to Bill (who died after a skydiving accident), and to Doug (who introduced me to skydiving).

© Copyright 2006 writeartista (UN: mariapanlilio at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

They Don’t Grow Flowers In Afghanistan

World Trade Center Bombing

They Don’t Grow Flowers In Afghanistan

Published after 9/11 2001
by Maria Panlilio
A continuing series of articles about slavery

(Written immediately after 9/11, this is dedicated to all the heroes of the WTC attack, all the persecuted women of Afghanistan, and all the forced slaves of the world.)

They Don’t Grow Flowers In Afghanistan

They don’t plant seeds to grow flowers in Afghanistan
None to express affection for their mummified women
Who live their lives without respect, warmth and inspiration
How can there be love when one is treated as subhuman?

In the desert of hell the Talibans plant bullets and guns
Iraq, Philippines, US, Europe, Sudan, Algeria, Pakistan
Throughout the world Osama bin Laden buys young men
Enslaving the world’s forsaken and troubled minds

One gun for each young man, slavery for mankind

The seeds of evil philosophy sprout among the Afghans
The young men grow, and now it’s harvest time

Americans plant trees that scrape the sky in Manhattan
Made of steel, earthquakes they could withstand
But on Sep 11, towering trees burn and fall to the ground
As the Al Qaeda slaves execute the works of the demons
Murdering more than five thousand of our innocent civilians

Gripped with terror and disbelief we hug our loved ones
While the Red, White and Blue waves all over the land
As we sing the Republic’s Hymn in our hearts and minds
We lay flowers where dust and debris cover the grounds

Flowers we give to express our love and affection.

And they don’t grow flowers in Afghanistan.

* * * * *

Strange Alliances Form
In U.S. Campaign To Fight
Global Terrorism

“Either you’re with us, or you are with the terrorists,” declared President Bush. And most of the free world jumped the bandwagon of coalition. Unfortunately, this new alliance includes those ruling regimes that have provided refuge to the world’s terrorists, as well as those who engage in chattel slavery like Sudan’s National Islamic Front, which harbored Osama bin Laden for six years.

Osama bin Laden buys young men from all over the world with guns and raise them to become the most feared terrorists. In Uganda, it costs one Kalashnikov assault rifle for every child bin Laden buys. In Sudan he uses the children as forced labor on the marijuana fields that fund his international terrorism network. Sudan has been a training ground for terrorists with at least 17 training camps and the target is to install Islamic fundamentalist governments in east and central Africa by 2002.

Since 1994, Sudan has abducted at least 8,000 Ugandan children and forced them to serve as soldiers or sex slaves, or traded into slavery, many to bin Laden, in exchange for guns and ammunition. Some of these slaves have escaped and testified before the U.S Congress about Sudan’s own jihad—terrorizing, killing and enslaving black African civilians.

Before September 11, the Sudan Peace Act, which imposes capital sanctions against foreign companies who continue to do business with Sudan was about to be passed. In the wake of the USA attack, Congress has tabled action on the proposed legislation and the US may soon reopen formal ties with Sudan who “promises to turn over several of bin Laden’s associates.”

The US already is waiving, easing or softening economic and military sanctions imposed against countries known for their human rights violations; who develop and test nuclear weapons; governments that come to power through a military coup d’etat; and even some countries charged with backing terrorism. For their cooperation during this “New War,” the Bush Administration is preparing major aid packages for these countries, which include Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and Algeria, and lifting sanctions imposed against them. U.S. officials say that these countries have become very cooperative and have provided significant information on key terrorist figures in the Al Qaeda network and have promised to bring them to justice.

The sudden USA-Sudan alliance might have sacrificed the struggle for freedom for the tens of thousands of slaves in Sudan. Anti-slavery and modern abolitionist organizations that have worked so hard at getting the Sudan Peace Act are now watching the realization of their dreams fade from the country’s paradigm shift in foreign policy.

While I agree that fighting and ending global terrorism should be the central organizing principle of our country, we cannot abandon America’s performance on human rights to reward those brutal regimes who have “joined us” in our battle to shatter Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network.”

The United States must persevere in pressuring Sudan and other human rights abusive countries to clean up their acts.

What can you do
to make a difference
in stopping global slavery?

There are international anti-slavery organizations that exemplify the best of American values in their campaigns against enslaving regimes. If you want to make a critical difference in ending global slavery, you may start by logging on to and learn about this modern day abolitionist movement.

From the Underground Railroad Movement to the electronic superhighway. Modern day abolitionists still help slaves escape to freedom. Many of the leading abolitionists of these contemporary times are young, educated, vocal and visible human rights activists. Their voices and organizations are strong, powerful and international. They observe, scrutinize and battle modern day slavery around the globe, untiringly fighting for the liberty of the victims.

Unlike their popular predecessors these 21st Century anti-slavery activists do not ride the imaginary railroad to freedom trails; instead, they navigate the cyberspace to take slaves to safety. There is no hiding in the dark, no keeping their identities a secret, no whispering in public or clandestine meetings to discuss their activities. In fact, you can log on to their websites and read about their missions, join the organizations, and contribute your financial support through the Internet. You can learn about their activities by subscribing to their newsletter, delivered to you through weekly e-mails.


© Copyright 2007 writeartista (UN: mariapanlilio at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.



(Based on information gathered from the Web)

St Peter the Apostle also referred to in Bible scripture as Simon Peter, was the brother of Andrew, another of the fisherman from the Sea of Galilee who became an apostle of Jesus. Peter is considered to be one of the most impulsive of the apostles, (i.e: cutting off a Roman solders ear at the time of Jesus Christ's arrest in the Garden of Gathsemene) and one who in reading the holy scriptures seems to speak out in bold and sometimes brash statements (i.e: stating he would lay down his life for Jesus even as Jesus informed him he would deny even knowing him after his arrest).

St Peter the Apostle is also known as "the Rock" as a result of his response to Christ's question; "Who do you say I am..?" Peter's reply is; "I say you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God..." Jesus then let's Peter know that no man had revealed this truth to him, but his Father which is in Heaven and so calls Peter "The Rock" in his famous statement; "And upon this Rock I shall build my Church..."

Scripture records that eventually Peter was crucified, upside down, by the Romans by Peter's own request as he felt he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus Christ was. St Peter has also been proported to be the first Pope.

St Andrew the Apostle was active in bringing people to Jesus Christ and scripture records he is the one who brought his brother Peter to meet Jesus.

St James the Apostle was the older brother of John the Apostle and was the first of The Twelve Apostles to be martyred.

St John the Apostle also known as "John the Beloved" spend a significant portion of the balance of his life writing what would be one of the main four Gospels comprising today's Holy Bible on the Island of Patmos after the crucifixion and Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. St John wrote what is probably the best known and most quoted line of scripture which is: John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life..."

St Philip the Apostle from Bethsaida, as were Andrew and Peter, was eventually martyred, proportedly in Hierapolis.

St Bartholomew the Apostle was one of the disciples to whom Jesus appeared at the Sea of Tiberias after his bodily Resurrection from the dead. He was also a witness of the "Ascension of Jesus Christ into the Clouds".

St Thomas the Apostle also called "Didymus" which is the Greek version of his name is in many instances mostly remembered as "doubting Thomas" as he wanted to actually see and touch the mortal wounds on Jesus before he would believe Christ had Resurrected. After Jesus appeared to Thomas who confirmed his bodily wounds he would exclaim; "My Lord and my God" after which Jesus would say: "You believe because you See, Blessed are those who believe and have not seen..."

St Matthew the Apostle was formerly a tax-collector at Capernaum before meeting Jesus, and ultimately became one of the most prominent of the twelve apostles being responsible for writing one of the four major Books of the Holy Bible.

St James the Apostle also known as "James the Younger", or "James the Less", wrote the Epistle which bears his name in scripture today.

St Thaddaeus the Apostle also known as "Judas the brother of James" not to be confused with the apostle who betrayed Jesus, "Judas, Iscariot".

St Simon the Apostle was also known as "Simon the Zealot". Zealots were primarily known as a close knitted sect with very strong political views.

Judas Iscariot, once an Apostle also known as "The traitor or betrayer of Jesus Christ", and ultimately rejected Jesus as the Messiah when Jesus didn't fulfill his political expectations and cause the people to rise up and fight against the Roman oppression of the Jews.

St Matthias the Apostle came on board as the new twelfth apostle after Judas betrayed Jesus and ended up tossing his 30 pieces of silver as payment for his betrayal and hanging himself on a tree. Matthias was chosen by the remaining eleven apostles.

Beyond the Twelve: "St Mark, St Luke and others..."

In addition to the original twelve chief apostles, Jesus Christ chose another seventy apostles including; "St Mark, St Luke and others..." To all his apostles the Lord Jesus Christ gave the power to heal the sick, to cast out unclean spirits, and even to resurrect the dead.

He also sent them out to preach. When the seventy apostles returned from preaching, they said with joy to Jesus, "Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name..." (Luke 10:17) Jesus said to them, "Do not rejoice that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven..." (Luke 10:20) Do not rejoice over the miracles, which are given to you for your preaching, but rejoice over the fact that you will receive blessings and eternal life with God in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Besides the disciples, Jesus Christ can also be said to have a few female apostles. Women who had been healed by him such as, "Mary Magdalene" (from the city of Magdala) of whom Jesus cast out seven unclean spirits and "Joanna", the wife of Chuza, as well as King Herod’s steward; "Susanna". These women who worked wih and Loved the Lord Jesus Christ have been largely overlooked in the currently day scritures as they were edited at the cousel of Nicea.


Myths, Facts and Legends in Apostolic History
(In Search of the Apostles after Calgary)

by Maria Concepcion Panlilio

“The Twelve Apostles belong to the realm of mythology, and their alleged martyrdoms are pure inventions,” said Dr. Kuenen, and other Dutch Theologians. Do you believe it?

I am neither a theologian, nor a Bible historian. I am only a simple Catholic girl with a lingering passion and endless curiosity about the fate of the Apostles after Jesus died. And what of the Three Kings? What happened to them after they visited with the Holy Family? I want to know this, and more. The Bible doesn’t give all the answers; therefore, I search ecclesiastical traditions, books, the Internet, and maybe you, for guidance.

Yes, this is my personal mission. First and foremost, to discover the facts, myths and legends surrounding the Apostles. For example, after the resurrection of Jesus, Apostle Thomas, also known as Doubting Thomas, The Wanderer, and Didyman (twin), went to Babylon and several other eastern countries as far as China. He established churches, preached the Gospel of the Lord, and converted many people to Christianity. He settled in India, where he was martyred in A.D.72. His persecutors chased him to the hill where he prayed (now known as St. Thomas Mount), and stabbed him to death with a lance. His body was brought to Mylapore and buried inside the Santhome Church that he built himself. One legend says that Magi Gaspar lived and died at about the same time, and was buried in the same place.

Today, Thomas is revered as a saint in both the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox, and in the Oriental Orthodox Church. In 2002, the 1,950th anniversary of St Thomas’ arrival in Kerala, India, was celebrated by the Sryo-Malabar church.

If I can survive reading all the assaults on Jesus and his Apostles, and the condemnations on Christianity, I hope to complete this project by Christmas. On a happier note, below is a delightful short story written by Timothy O’Fallon. (The story, based on a longer piece entitled The Angels, is a tribute to the slain children of Bethlehem.) Enjoy!

The Magi’s Last Journey

The Condemned Man opened his eyes in the midst of his prayers. Could he have imagined the greeting of his old friend?

“Hello?” the kindly voice repeated. “Why is your door barred? Why haven’t you been to the village lately? Where are you?”

“I am here,” said the Condemned Man through a hole in the cave wall. “You should leave, old friend. It is dangerous for you to be here. The killers who have sought me for months have found me, and could murder me at any moment. This is why the door is barred!”

“I see,” said the old man. “Then I think I’ll take a nap.”

“No,” said the Condemned Man, fearing that his captors would only kill the old man if they found him asleep outside. To keep the old man awake, he said, “Instead, would you tell me a story?” He could almost see the old man’s eyes light up.

“Story? What kind of story?”

“Tell me of the time when you first met the Lord.” He knew it was the old man’s favorite story to tell. It was the story that made him a celebrity.

“Oh, that old story! You have heard it a thousand times! Haven’t you? Or did I forget to tell you?”

“I would love to hear it again, old friend.”

After pausing for a moment, the old man began to tell the story of his search for the Mighty King.

People called me wise. I knew about the soul and how the spirit world could reveal the destiny of nations in the stars. Once, I noticed a star that I hadn’t noticed before. I studied what it might mean, and determined that a powerful spirit had entered the world. It could be the event of a thousand lifetimes! I divined that this event had taken place in a land far to the west, so I chose immediately to make the journey. I loaded down my servants with supplies and gifts for the mighty King I hoped to meet, and set off to the mainland.

I was not the only one who had seen this sign in the heavens. I met the others when I crossed the Arabian Sea. A large group of kings and religious men had bought every camel in the region! I found them, and was overjoyed that they were making the same journey. They too had seen the sign and were seeking the new King. They lent me some of their camels, and we journeyed together.

Of the friends I made, Baltazar was my closest companion–one of the youngest there, and the most enthusiastic! The only one I avoided was Melchior, a brooding and pessimistic sage. He wanted to prove to certain people at home that there was no truth to this sign, no great king in the West. He spent much time alone.

After many days, we calculated that the sign in the heavens was directing us to the coast of the Mediterranean, north of Egypt. We sent a message to King Herod, and he agreed to receive us. He knew nothing about any new King. Melchior was delighted, and had a good laugh at all the rest of us. I was disheartened, and dreaded the thought of returning home in my folly.

But Herod grew serious. He gathered his own religious experts to determine the birthplace of this new king. Apparently, the religion of these people promised a Messiah. When the local wise men named a town, my heart leapt with joy! Herod gave us free passage, and made us promise that if we found the king we would send word so he could also give the Messiah many gifts.

But we found no one in Bethlehem who knew anything about a king. After a week, we gave up and decided to go home. Melchior’s gloating was insufferable.

The night before we planned to leave, my fitful sleep was interrupted by a servant. Some local sheepherders wanted to speak with us. Reluctantly, I got up to hear what they had to say. They claimed to know where this King was staying, and in fact were present at his birth. They had this story of supernatural beings directing them to a stable, of all places, two years earlier. They considered themselves guardians of this family, but agreed to take us with them. The oldest of these men – a fellow by the name of Nehu – told us that only three of us could go, but that Melchior had already been chosen in his dream.

The rest of us groaned at that choice. Melchior only smirked. We tried to reason with the sheepherder, but he paid no heed to us. Finally, we cast lots to see who else could go, and as you guessed, I was one. Baltazar was the other, which made my heart very glad. But imagine my disappointment when Nehu laid a further condition on us: we were each to bring only one gift apiece. This was terrible after all we had brought with us. Melchior didn’t see why he had to bring anything. He took a gold cup offered by one of the other wise men. I brought some fine perfume thinking they were still living in a stable. Baltazar had a hard time choosing. Finally, he brought out a small box, but he did not tell anyone what it was.

The sheepherders brought us to some caves outside of town where the poorest lived. The mother welcomed us when we arrived that morning, and she used what little food she had to make us breakfast. The father was preparing to go to work in town. He was a builder. We tried to exchange pleasantries but we had no common language. Neither of the parents spoke Greek or anything else we knew. We noticed a manger in the middle of their small home, and through Nehu’s translation we asked about it. The mother smiled and said it was their son Y’shua’s first crib. I was aghast. Baltazar looked uncomfortable. Melchior was strangely quiet as he looked at it.

Suddenly, about a dozen small children came running into the small cave. They were shouting and laughing. The leader seemed to be a very young lad with dark, curly hair. To my surprise, they all came to me, tugging at my clothes, and wanting to play games. Astonished, I asked, “Which one of you is Y’shua?”

The little curly-headed boy walked right up to me and hugged my leg. Then he said in a voice so clear for one so young, “Thanks for coming to my house. Won’t you play with my angels?” He waved at the children.

I wondered who was filling this boy’s head with delusions of grandeur. I did stiffly tousle the hair of a few of the urchins. None of them had shoes, and they were all poking me and being somewhat more playful than I was accustomed to. I looked to Baltazar for help, but he was only laughing at me. The father then said something to Y’shua, who then spoke to his friends. They whined and complained a little, then filed out of the cave. The father said a blessing, and we all sat down to eat.

The child kept asking us all kinds of oddly perceptive questions. I answered him, though I was a little annoyed. Melchior kept quiet, and barely ate his food. I was convinced that the trip was a waste. We found a bright, engaging child, and there seemed to be some local legends about him, but he seemed so ordinary. We spent several hours there, and in that time all those other children came back. Although I like children, I felt overwhelmed. Baltazar must have been feeling the same, because he finally said, “We brought you gifts.”

Y’shua smiled, and told his angels to settle down. It was funny to watch the older children obey him, even though they teased him and tugged his hair and chased him like any other child.

“What did you bring me?” Y’shua asked.

I presented my gift to the mother, as was proper, and she thanked me very much. Melchior silently brought out his cup, and a few gold coins, which he had found in his tunic. Baltazar looked very worried, but reluctantly handed the small box to the mother. She gasped, and her eyes filled with tears, snapping the box shut. I had a glimpse of what was inside, and I must tell you that I was a little shocked. Baltazar had brought Myrrh, which as you know is used for embalming. We had brought some on our journey in case of any unexpected deaths. I was amazed that he would do such a thing. But Y’shua thanked us. He walked over to Baltazar, and gave him a kiss. Baltazar was bewildered, but kept silent.

Our parting was uncomfortable. We had come to find a king, and instead we found…well…an interesting family. Baltazar broke the ice with a quick bow, and both Melchior and I followed suit. Then, all the children jumped all over me again, and I couldn’t really say anything proper, as I was busy untangling myself. But the little boy, Y’shua, walked with us a few feet out of the cave. As we walked away, he said to us, “I’ll see you again!”

Disappointed, we returned to our caravan. Melchior stayed quiet, and the rest of us were thankful for the lack of gloating. We decided to depart in the morning.

In the night, we had a dream not to say anything at all to Herod. We decided to leave secretly. Baltazar went back to the cave to help the family with some kind of move. I bid him farewell. I never saw him again. I joined with Melchior, and a few others for the return journey. We escaped Judea, lamenting the failure of our mission. There was really nothing magical or divine about this child after all.

A few days later, during one of our worst laments, Melchior startled us with a shout. “Are you stupid?” he said. “Do you have any idea what you are talking about? There was a miracle right under your nose!” I protested that I saw no miracle, and he threw his hands up in frustration. “In what language did he speak to you?” he asked. I stammered, and answered that it was in my own dialect. “Well, I heard him in my own language. And I’ll bet Baltazar heard the child in his language. So there’s your sign, you blind fool!”

I was shocked. I hadn’t even thought about the language. Everything seemed so ordinary. But Melchior was right.

After a few hours, a messenger from another group who had gone a different way came running to us with evil news. Though the family we had met left for Egypt, Herod’s soldiers killed all male infants and toddlers remaining in Bethlehem. I wept bitterly for the children who played with me. Once again, I doubted the kingship of the child Y’shua. If he were divine, surely he could have saved his friends!

Melchior fell to his knees; his face streaked with tears. With trembling voice he said, “He is the one. Y’shua is the savior of the world. We found Him.” I did not understand at all. Melchior, gently and in a tone I had never heard before, said, “Remember how He called the other children my angels? He knew their time was short.”

Realization dawned on me. It was indeed a powerful sign.

I decided to become a Jew, and to try to follow the teachings of Y’shua’s religion. Since there were no synagogues in my own homeland, I came here to the mainland, and joined a Jewish community. I have lived here ever since, trying my best. And when you came, I stopped trying, and started living in grace.

After a long pause and an audible sigh, the old man continued. “That’s my love story. Are you sure I never told you that before?”

The Condemned Man spoke with a soft voice. “I never tire of hearing it.”

“Good. I need to go home, though. It is getting late. But do come to the village tomorrow. We miss your teachings so much, Thomas.”

“The Holy Spirit is the real Teacher, Gaspar,” said the Apostle.

Gaspar walked home, and the murderers did not try to stop him. But the walk was long, and the Wise Man stopped to rest under a tree. He closed his eyes to sleep, and fell into the deepest sleep of all.

At first he did not know what was happening. Light was all around him, and he thought he heard the sound of Melchior laughing merrily. There was music – such music! But then, he felt a tug on his arm.

There were several children all around him. They looked familiar. I am too old to play with you, he was going to say, but then he noticed that his arms were strong and his body was straight. Somehow, in this beautiful dream, he was young again! So he played with them. He played catch, and chase-the-calf, and tag, and all kinds of games he had never heard of. After a time, the children became still and just stood there giggling. Then Gaspar remembered them.

“The Angels! How beautiful you are! Tell me, where is your Friend?”

They pointed behind Gaspar. He turned around, and was face to face with the Son of Man. His hair was white as snow, His skin a burnished bronze, His eyes like burning coals…and on His face, a gentle smile. His arms were open in embrace.

Gaspar embraced Him, and whispered, “My goodness, how You’ve grown.”


© Copyright 2007 writeartista (UN: mariapanlilio at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.


(This article was published in 2007 after the Pampanga gubernatorial election)

The new Governor of Pampanga is a Priest

It was a gubernatorial election riddled with controversies . . .of twists and turns, of nail-biting suspense and an ending that has been called “providential” and “miraculous.”

If it had been a novel, it would be a bestseller. Who could resist a plot that is centered on a Catholic priest who sacrifices his priesthood to heed to the outcry of his fellowmen?


Father Eduardo Panlilio, 53, popularly known as Among (an endearing term for a priest) Ed, is the underdog hero of the third party running for Governor of Pampanga. He has no money, nor the machinery to finance and run a campaign against his affluent and powerful opponents: Mark Lapid (incumbent Governor and son of Senator and former Pampanga Governor Manuel “Lito” Lapid), and Lilia Pineda, a former buko vendor, now provincial board member and wife of a political power player). Lapid and Pineda are political allies of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and both have repeatedly been linked to graft and corruption, especially in pocketing large amounts of quarrying fees, and controlling an illegal numbers game called jueteng.

The good priest has not escaped malicious gossips of romantic liaisons and fathering children during his priesthood. One of the more vicious stories aimed at smearing Among Ed’s image is that his vitiligo is caused by HIV-Aids Virus Infection. Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by smooth, white patches caused by the loss of the natural pigment.

Among Ed’s entry into the political arena divides the Catholic Church. His candidacy is devoid of support from the ecclesiastical hierarchy, who, instead of granting their blessing, indefinitely suspend Among Ed of his priestly duties. This suspension prevents the priest from saying mass and hearing confessions. He takes a leave from the church, stating that it is time to serve the people in a different way. He admits that it will be a difficult battle, having no money or the machinery. But his candidacy attracts more than thirty thousand volunteers, including thirty-three lawyers who provide free legal services to the priest.

Can a simple man of the cloth beat the rich and powerful candidates? Can Among Ed, whose machinery is humility, honesty, conscience, charisma, and the Holy Cross, win against the well-oiled machinery, money and clout of the Lapids and Pinedas? Can his campaign, which is run solely on donations and volunteerism, win an election? Can this priest, who is running for governorship purely out of love for his people and his ministry, win against all odds?

A former high-ranking government official is quoted as saying: “It would completely turn around everything should he win.”

Indeed, a win by Among Ed will be a crystal clear testamentary from the Kapampangans that they’re tired of all the anomalies and corruptions, and they want change. They want an honest man to lead and serve them, and they believe Among Ed is the man for the job.

At election time, many of the volunteers guard the ballots with their lives, some campimg out overnight around the town halls to avert any illegal tampering on election returns and certificates of the canvass of votes.

Among Ed trails Pineda throughout the canvassing. His supporters hold candlelight vigils and praying the rosary. When only one certificate of canvassed votes is left to be opened, Among Ed’s victory remains in doubt.

People make the sign of the cross and hold their breaths as they wait for the final vote count.

Wild cheers erupt all over the province, especially at the convention center in the City of San Fernando, as soon as the winner is proclaimed.


It’s a narrow margin, but the 11,097 votes from Magalang makes this small town become Panlilio country–the town that clinched Among Ed’s victory.

“Among Ed wins! Among Ed wins!” my brother Jun exclaims on the Phone through overseas call from the Philippines. His excitement is infectious. He has been one of the major supporters of Among Ed.


A Kapampangan priest revives hope in politics with honesty and conscience. He makes history as first priest to be elected Governor.

Looking at Among Ed’s photo, I can’t get over his clonal resemblance to my Uncle Carlos, Auntie Liling and Grandpa Brigido Panlilio.

Among Ed, you make all Kapampangans and Panlilios proud.

THE FUTURE GOVERNANCE. Among Ed vows to put a kind of leadership that is participatory, advisory, transparent and God-centered. He is known for his missions for small farmers and the indigenous Aeta tribesmen since the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991. He headed the Social Action Center of Pampanga, and because of him, the church’s presence in the communities ravaged by Pinatubo became very visible.

“It is out of this love,” he says, “that I heeded the call to a more concrete expression of my priestly vocation, of serving as a shepherd to God’s people, especially the poorest of the poor.”

Alejandro Camiling, a colleague with the Academia ning Amanung Sisuan International, said it best with the following commentary: “Kapampangans have restored an entire nation’s faith in its electoral process and its faith in the potency and efficacy of People Power without violating the Constitution or weakening democratic processes. And by allowing a priest to lead them, Kapampangans have strengthened the historical role of the Church in secular affairs, especially in this province.”


© Copyright 2007 writeartista (UN: mariapanlilio at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.